Your voice in your community: LTE template

Letter to the Editor Template

Name of Media Outlet or Publication

Attention: LTE contact (you can usually find this on the newspaper’s website)

Street Address

City, State, Zip



Dear [Editor]:

State who you are, and your reason for writing. Explain the issues first, and then explain how they relate to you personally.

Establish your credibility by referencing resources and information related to the topic, and then tie the issues to your own life. Keep it interesting, human, and brief. Most letters to the editor are 200 words or less. Anything longer usually warrants an op-ed. (This template is 106 words long, in case you need a visual reference.)

Finish with a call to action. Offer some community resources, and include specific ways for people to get involved. Sign off with a positive, strong statement.

Sincerely, or Respectfully Submitted,


Printed name

Title & Organization or City, State


Email address

Mailing address