About Author: Ashley Sanders

I am an activist fighting for democracy and an end to corporate rule. I first got involved in activism by organizing an alternative graduation when my college invited Dick Cheney to speak at our official ceremony, and haven't looked back since. I worked as the youth spokesperson for Ralph Nader’s 2008 presidential campaign, organizing people to fight corporations in their communities. I have also organized extensively for Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County, California, a collective committed to community sovereignty, bioregional democracy and alternatives to corporate control and capitalism. While there, I helped to launch the Campaign to Legalize Democracy/Move to Amend, a national grassroots campaign to amend the Constitution to abolish corporate constitutional rights and to organize local communities to declare independence from corporate rule. I'm now working to organize Salt Lake to support this national amendment and to wage a people’s battle against major corporate polluters. I also work on democratic community revitalization, feminist empowerment and political street theater, and am currently working on a play and book.

Posts by Ashley Sanders

  • I want to live in a democracy, but I don’t. None of us does. And that is because we don’t really believe in the words of the Declaration of Independence—this declaration that says we are free to be equal, happy and alive. So maybe it’s time to write out our beliefs, to make another declaration for a new kind of independence: the independence of the poor and forgotten from the people who control their lives and futures.

    My Declaration of Democracy

    I want to live in a democracy, but I don’t. None of us does. And that is because we don’t really believe in the words of the Declaration of Independence—this declaration that says we are free to be equal, happy and alive. So maybe it’s time to write out our beliefs, to make another declaration for a new kind of independence: the independence of the poor and forgotten from the people who control their lives and futures.

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