personal story Archive

  • I had the opportunity to hear the stories of those who are actually living with the consequences of the pipeline: failing health, destroyed local economies, broken promises. While this pipeline would provide short-term jobs; how much better it would be to guarantee lifetime jobs by greening our homes, i.e., putting solar water heaters on every home. It seems it would be so simple for Obama to stop the pipeline and create green jobs building windmills, insulating buildings, erecting solar panels, and so on. I hope he is hearing us.

    Kathy’s Story from the Tar Sands Action

    I had the opportunity to hear the stories of those who are actually living with the consequences of the pipeline: failing health, destroyed local economies, broken promises. While this pipeline would provide short-term jobs; how much better it would be to guarantee lifetime jobs by greening our homes, i.e., putting solar water heaters on every home. It seems it would be so simple for Obama to stop the pipeline and create green jobs building windmills, insulating buildings, erecting solar panels, and so on. I hope he is hearing us.

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