Mic Check! PeaceUp appreciates YOU!

Sometimes all it takes is creating the space, and the rest works itself out. This past Saturday our community came together – for the sole purpose of appreciating one another. We decided to hold a VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION night. And all we had on the menu was quiche, fondue and wine.

As folks arrived, I asked them to write their name down on a piece of paper, that was then to folded and dropped into a basket. Those were the only instructions at the time – which apparently brought about a sense of playful mystery. Once all the awaited guests had arrived, we gathered together in the living room as each of us fished in the basket for someone’s else name. Now armed with our slips of paper, we each took the time to appreciate that one person – publicly, thoroughly, candidly. After watching a touching home-made video by PeaceUp’s director, we just sat there, just being with one another, as our conversation organically shifted to what we appreciated about our community. The love, the support, the differences in age and personalities, the unconditional stand, the comfort that we were all in this together, the happiness manifested by being with one another, the relentless inspiration, the space created for us to collectively express and work toward our vision for a better tomorrow… we looked around the room, with a deep sense of gratitude for this beloved community we’ve worked so diligently to create. Those of you who’ve lived a similar experience know that it’s no easy task.

And then, a creative spark. Why not send a text message or call, or better yet “mic-check” those friends who couldn’t be there? The other activists who had poured their heart and soul into this work and this community over the last 3 years. The ones who had traveled across many state lines to spend some time in SLC, making giant puppets, toiling with us, singing with us. We spent the next hour mic-checking some of our friends, old and new – the energy in the space was that of unity, of gratitude, of LOVE.

If you recognize yourself in these lines…

Mic Check! Mic Check!

 This is Peaceful Uprising!

And we want you to know!

That we appreciate you!

And that we’re sincerely grateful!

For all that you stand for!